200 dinars
Under Islamic
law, a husband could divorce his wife but a wife could not
divorce her husband.
The wife in the story, having received a windfall due to the
carelessness in promising her gold instead of silver–a dinar was
worth about
ten times as much as a dirhem–wants to get rid of her husband,
still poor. She
cannot divorce him. She can however make
being married to her sufficiently unpleasant to force him
to divorce
her. Even for the Vizier, enormously more wealthy and powerful,
a matching
donation to the husband is an easier solution than trying to
force the wife to
maintain her side of the implicit contract of her marriage.
The story,
written and set in the Islamic world of a thousand years ago,
reveals a problem
with the market model of our system for allocating marriage
partners. A man can
try to persuade a woman to marry him by offering her especially
terms, promising to wash all the dishes and live near her
friends and family
instead of his, and similarly for the same situation with
partners reversed.
But once they are married many of the terms of the contract
cannot be enforced
even if the authorities want to enforce them, because
performance cannot be
observed from outside the marriage. No wife, so far as I know,
has ever gotten
more favorable terms in a divorce settlement by showing that her
husband was
less deferential to her preferences than he had promised. No
husband, so far as
I know, has ever gotten more favorable terms by arguing to the
court that his
wife deliberately cooked, or made love, badly. There is still
the possibility
of enforcing the terms by the threat to leave the marriage, at
least in a
society with reasonably easy divorce. But that threat becomes
less believable
as the marriage partners acquire joint assets, most obviously
children, best enjoyed
Marriage in
our system is some mix of the market with implicit prices
earlier described and
a straight sorting algorithm where the only price either partner
can offer the
other is himself, the bundle of characteristics that make him a
desirable match—the
most desirable woman marrying the most eligible man and so on
down the list.[1]
perhaps, a certain random element:
have simple tastes.
They get pleasure out of the conversation of children in arms
and men in love.”
(H.L. Mencken)
The dating/sex/marriage
market suffers from a number of problems, in addition to
contracts, that help explain why there are so many people who
would like a
lover or spouse and don’t have one and why so much time and
energy go into
attempts to solve that problem. Most exchanges let us separate