One point on which almost everyone interested in drug prohibition agrees is the existence of a connection between drugs and violent crime. The disagreement is on the form of the connection and the sign of the correlation. Supporters of drug prohibition typically argue that drug use leads to violent crime and should be illegal in part for that reason. Critics of the war on drugs argue that the attempt to prohibit drug use leads to violent crime and that that is one of the reasons drugs should be legal.
Figure 1, from Miron 1999
Figure 2, from Miron 1999
A glance at the figures for U.S. murder rates over
the course of this century provides some support for the critics'
position (Figure 1).[1]
Murder rates were high during the period of alcohol prohibition, fell
after repeal, rose again with increased efforts to prohibit illegal
drugs, and remain high.
The impression given by the graph is confirmed by more sophisticated
analysis. Jeffrey A. Miron has analyzed the relation between violent
crime in the U.S., as measured by the murder rate, and the
enforcement of drug prohibition (including alcohol prohibition) as
measured by expenditures by the federal agencies in charge of
enforcing prohibition (Figure 2), over the entire period for which
murder rates are available on a national basis. His statistical
results "suggest the homicide rate is currently 25%-75% higher than
it would be in the absence of drug prohibition."[2]
The case of the U.S. is particularly interesting for at least two
reasons. One is that the U.S. murder rate is anomalously high
relative to other countries that are otherwise similar–about 8
to 10 murders per 100,000 population over the past two decades,
compared to 1 to 2 for countries such as Canada, Australia, the U.K.
and countries in western Europe. The other is that the U.S. provides
data on both the murder rate and enforcement of drug prohibition over
a fairly long period of time.
The high U.S. murder rate is frequently attributed to the high rate
of gun ownership in the U.S., relative to most comparable nations.
One problem with that explanation is that, while it is true that
there is a significant correlation in international comparisons
between gun ownership and murder rates, that correlation is driven by
a single observation–the U.S. Regressions with the U.S. omitted
show much weaker results, despite the existence of other countries
with relatively high gun ownership rates–and without
anomalously high murder rates. A second problem is that the behavior
of murder rates over time, both in the U.S. and elsewhere, does not
seem to be closely linked to gun ownership or legal restrictions
That suggests the possibility that U.S. murder rates are due to
something other than gun ownership, with the gun ownership rate
either unrelated to, or consequence rather than cause of, the murder
rate. Since U.S. drug prohibition, while similar on paper to the laws
in most of the countries it is compared to, is much more strongly
enforced, it provides a possible explanation.
Professor Miron has attempted to investigate the relation between
violent crime and drug law enforcement across countries, in work that
is not yet published but is available on the web.[3]
While the results are consistent with the U.S. results, the evidence
is very much weaker, in part perhaps because of the lack of good data
to measure drug law enforcement across countries.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate not the statistical
evidence but the economic theory. I consider the various causal
mechanisms by which drug use and drug prohibition might be linked to
violent crime, and try to determine, in each case, how various
enforcement mechanisms might be expected to influence violent crime
through that mechanism.
One reason to do so is to provide the theoretical framework for
further statistical work–to suggest ways in which analysis of
the relevant data might tell us more about exactly how drug
prohibition and violent crime are related. A second reason is to
provide a framework for considering what the effects of different
enforcement strategies might be expected to be, and why.
The paper consists of this introduction, three main sections, and a
conclusion. The first section sketches the possible causal relations
between drugs and violent crime. The second briefly sketches possible
enforcement strategies for preventing drug use. The third combines
the previous two, and attempts to analyze the effect that alternative
strategies might have on violent crime via each of the causal
Broadly speaking, the link between drugs and
violent crime could occur in three ways: violent crime by consumers
of drugs, violent crime associated with the production and
distribution of drugs, or violent crime directly associated with the
attempt to enforce drug prohibition.
For the case of crime by drug consumers, two mechanisms are commonly
asserted, with opposite implications. One is drugs as in input to
violent crime–people committing crimes under the influence of
drugs that they otherwise would not commit. This claim is made both
for drugs for which it is pharmacologically implausible, such as
heroin and marijuana, and for ones for which it is plausible, such as
alcohol. If it is correct, the obvious implication is that drug
prohibition, by reducing consumption of drugs, can be expected to
reduce violent crime.
The other claim is that drug users commit crimes in order to get the
money to pay for drugs. If that is correct, the effect of marginal
changes in enforcement is theoretically ambiguous. Making drugs more
expensive increases the expenditure of drug users per unit of drug
consumed, but decreases consumption, so the net effect on the
expenditure of drug users depends on the elasticity of demand. If,
however, as is widely believed,[4]
the price of currently illegal drugs would be very low if they were
legal, then the effect of legalization via this mechanism is
unambiguous, since consumption has an upper bound set by
non-pecuniary constraints. A heroin user who maintains his level of
expenditure on heroin when its price falls by a factor of a hundred
will no longer be able to commit crimes to pay for his habit, because
he will be dead.[5]
Violent crime by people involved in the distribution network for
drugs might also come about by a variety of mechanisms. One
possibility, is that violence occurs because people in that industry
have wealth in highly portable forms–drugs and cash–which
make them obvious targets for theft or robbery, and since calling the
police is not a practical option they must use private violence
instead to protect themselves.[6].
A second, suggested by Jeffrey Miron, is that violence occurs as a
form of dispute resolution among people who cannot use legal channels
because their disputes are occurring in an illegal industry
A third, and rather different, possibility is that violent crime
represents rent seeking in the competition among suppliers. Suppose,
as much anecdotal evidence suggests, that drug distribution often
occurs through local monopoly providers. Their profits depend in part
on the area they control. So we would expect competition between
adjacent firms for territory. One form such competition might take
would be violence–by agents of one firm against agents, or
possibly customers, of another.[7]
The final source of violence is the enforcement of drug prohibition.
Part of enforcement is arresting people, seizing drugs, and similar
activities–all of which carry with them the risk of a violent
confrontation between law enforcement agents and people who they
suspect of violating the drug laws.
There are a variety of ways in which a government
might try to reduce the use of illegal drugs. Roughly speaking, they
can be categorized as ways of reducing the demand for illegal drugs,
ways of reducing the import of illegal drugs, and ways of reducing
the (domestic) production and distribution of illegal drugs.
One way of reducing demand is by making substitutes, such as
methadone for heroin addicts, more readily available. A more extreme
version of that approach would be to legalize some drugs in order to
reduce the demand for others. A different approach is to subsidize
drug treatment centers; whether that works depends on whether drug
users are actually helpless addicts who would quit if they only had a
little help, or rational consumers choosing to use drugs because they
like the effects they produce.
Another way of reducing demand is by enforcing drug laws against
users–spending law enforcement resources on identifying
consumers of illegal drugs, prosecuting them, and punishing them. A
weaker version of this approach is to make drug use more costly by
encouraging drug testing by employers.
What about discouraging the import of illegal drugs? This strategy
might take a variety of forms, ranging from more careful customs
inspection to waging war against producing nations–all of which
involve activities either outside the U.S. or on the border. From the
standpoint of effects inside the U.S., any such policy has roughly
the same effect–it increases the cost of drugs to the
The final alternative is one that appears to consume a large fraction
of the domestic law enforcement resources devoted to the war on drugs
in the U.S.–actions against domestic production and
distribution. Here it is useful to distinguish between actions
against small scale domestic producers, including those producing for
their own use, and attempts to identify, arrest and prosecute people
in the business of mass producing and/or distributing illegal
In this section, I will try to look at each of the
mechanisms discussed in part I of this essay, and see what we can say
about the likely effect on violence of the various enforcement
approaches, assuming that only that mechanism is involved.
The most plausible mechanism linking drug use to
violent crime, and one routinely observed in the context of alcohol
use, is as a side effect. People who are drunk often have less
control over themselves than they would when sober, so quarrels can
become violent.
In terms of economic analysis, this means that there is a desired
output–the pleasure from alcohol consumption–that is
produced by two costly inputs. One input is alcohol, the other is
risk of violent confrontation and the associated costs. If we assume
a production function such that a given amount of alcohol necessarily
produces a certain amount of pleasure and a certain amount of risk,
then increasing the cost of alcohol via prohibition unambiguously
reduces consumption, hence reduces risk, hence reduces violent crime.
The same argument would apply for any other drug with similar
Risk, however, is not a function only of consumption, since there are
precautions that consumers can take to reduce the risk of violence,
such as consuming their alcohol alone or with friends with whom they
are unlikely to quarrel, rather than in a rowdy bar. Casual evidence
suggests that much of the low level violence associated with alcohol
use is actually viewed by consumers not a cost but a benefit, and
occurs for that reason. People go to a bar to get drunk and have
To the extent that violence from the use of alcohol (or other drugs)
depends on choices other than whether to consume the drug, it can be
reduced by enforcement mechanisms that target the violence rather
than the drug use. Doing so reduces violence in two ways. Most
obviously, it makes it in the interest of people who consume alcohol
to do so in contexts where consumption is unlikely to lead to
violence. Less obviously, it makes it in the interest of people not
to consume alcohol at all, because doing so may result in violence,
which may result in punishment.
Consider a very simple model in which one act of drinking leads to a
ten percent probability of committing assault, in which all assaults
are due to alchohol, and in which the only cost of law enforcement is
the cost of imposing punishment, and in which everyone is risk
neutral. We can spend law enforcement resources imposing an expected
punishment of Pd for drinking or Pa for
committing assault or some mixture thereof.
Suppose we decrease the penalty for drinking by one dollar per act of
drinking and spend the punishment costs saved on increasing the
penalty for assault. Since each act of drinking leads to a tenth of
an assault, we can increase the penalty for assault by ten dollars.
Someone deciding whether to drink now faces one dollar less expected
punishment for drinking, but he also faces a .1 chance of committing
assault, for which the punishment has increased by $10. So the
combined expected cost of the penalties is unchanged.
Now modify the model by allowing drinkers to reduce, at some cost,
the chance that they will commit assault. It is then straightforward
to see that the same expenditure on punishment will produce a greater
reduction in assault if used to punish assault than if used to punish
Why? Individuals who drink, faced with penalties for assault, will
bear some cost, call it Cp, in precautions against
committing assault.[8]
The result will be to reduce the probability of assault–say to
.05 instead of .1. The legal system then imposes an expected penalty
of (say) $100 for assault instead of an expected penalty of $5 for
drinking; the enforcement cost is the same either way, since the
smaller penalty must be imposed on twenty times as many offenses.
With a penalty of $5 for drinking, the cost to the individual of
drinking is the price of the drink plus $5 in expected penalties for
drinking. With a penalty of $100 for assault, the cost of drinking is
the price of the drink plus $5 in expected penalty for assault (.05
chance of an assault, which leads to an expected penalty of $100 if
it happens) plus Cp in cost of precautions. So the total
cost of drinking is now higher than before, leading to less drinking.
But, because drinkers are taking precautions, the probability that a
drink will lead to an assault is also lower than before. We are
spending the same amount on enforcement, and reducing the number of
assaults–in the example, to less than half what it was under
the previous strategy. [Add more explicit mathematical
treatment of this?]
This is not a new argument, merely a new application of an old
argument for one advantage of ex post punishment, punishing
the undesirable output, over ex ante punishment, punishing one
of the inputs to that output.[9]
I have demonstrated the result for a simple model, but it holds more
generally. It is not, however, true in all circumstances. It would
not be true if the cost of imposing penalties on someone guilty of
assault happened to be substantially higher than the cost of imposing
penalties on someone guilty of drinking. An obvious example is a tax
on alcohol, since that both penalizes drinking and brings in revenue.
And one could imagine circumstances in which prohibition of alcohol
penalized drinking at a lower cost per unit punishment than laws
against assault penalized assault.[10]
Another reason the result might not hold is that not all violence is
due to alcohol. If much violence is due to other sources, and if for
some reason the demand for such violence is relatively inelastic (the
amount of violence does not fall very much as we increase the
penalty), while the demand for alcohol is relatively elastic, then a
policy of punishing assault rather than drinking wastes most of the
enforcement resources on punishing people who will not be deterred by
punishment (people whose violence is not due to
In this situation, resources devoted to punishing drinking can
produce a greater reduction in violence than the same resources
devoted to punishing violence.
These arguments suggest that if the objective is to reduce violent
crime, there is a presumption, although a rebuttal presumption, that
drug prohibition is an inefficient way of achieving that
objective--that one can get a greater reduction at the same cost by
targetting violent crime directly.
Of course, drug prohibition may have other objectives as well, in
which case the conclusion, although interesting, does not settle the
question of whether we should have it or how strongly we should
enforce it. We are then left with the observation that if violent
crime is occurring as a side effect of the consumption of a drug,
reducing that consumption via enforcement of prohibition of that drug
can be expected to produce some benefit in the form of a reduction in
violent crime.
This result must be qualified once we consider a world of multiple
drugs. Different drugs are to some degree substitutes for each other.
Different drugs are likely to have different side effects; some
(alcohol) may make violence more likely, some (heroin) less.
Enforcement of prohibition of the latter sort of drug may result in a
substitution of the former sort and thus an increase in violent
In a world of many alternative drugs, the argument for targetting
violent crime rather than drug use becomes stronger, because one of
the "precautions" that users can take in order to avoid committing
violence and being punished for it is shifting to a drug less likely
to produce violence. Reducing or eliminating enforcement of drug
prohibition makes that more likely to happen, since it increases the
range of alternatives faced by the user, and increases the incentives
for producers to create and market drugs less likely to produce
violent behavior.
So far I have been discussing violence by consumers of drugs as a
side effect of drug usage. Similar arguments would apply to the
closely related case where the violence is deliberate and the drug
use facilitates it–where drugs are in input to (desired)
violence, rather than violence an (undesired) effect of drug use.
Here again, there are grounds for a presumption that targetting the
violence reduces it more than targetting the drug use, but the
presumption is again rebuttable.
The general result is that any enforcement strategy that increases
the cost to users of drugs whose use is associated with violent
behavior can be expected to reduce such behavior, although it is
likely to be a less cost effective way of achieving that particular
objective than directly targetting the behavior.
We are left with the case of violence committed by users in order to
obtain money for drugs. To the non-economist, this seems like an
obvious and plausible scenario. For economists the situation is not
quite so clear.
The problem is the central economic assumption of rationality. If
mugging people produces a higher income for me than alternative
occupations–driving a cab, say–then I ought to be mugging
people already, whether or not I need the money for drugs. There are,
after all, plenty of other things to spend money on.
That argument suggests that the existence of expensive but desirable
drugs should simply result in an increase in effort. I have more uses
for money, so I work harder to earn more. If my best paying activity
is driving a cab, I work harder at that; if my best paying activity
is mugging people, I work harder at that. The result is an increase
in mugging with increased expenditure on drugs only if there is some
reason why drug users are already supporting themselves by mugging
To get a stronger result than that, we need stronger assumptions
about the production functions associated with alternative ways of
making money. We might assume, for example, that the cost of earning
more money driving a cab is more time, and that there is an upper
limit to how many hours a day you can drive without being to tired to
do so safely. We might also assume that part of the cost of earning
more money mugging people is an increased risk of getting killed by
one of your victims. That risk you can increase as much as you want,
at least up to the point where you actually do get killed. The more
valuable money is to you, the greater the risk you are willing to
take to get more of it.[12]
Generalizing the argument, we observe that an increase in the value
of money to the worker will result in a greater increase in output in
some activities than others. If violent crime happens to be an
activity which people shift into when money becomes more valuable to
them, or if people who consume illegal drugshappen to be people who
in any case support themselves by violent crime, we would expect
increased expenditure by consumers of drugs to lead to an increase in
violent crime.
Under such circumstances, the effect of increased drug prohibition on
violent crime depends on the elasticity of demand for the prohibited
drugs. If demand is elastic increasing the price results in a
decrease in expenditure, hence a decrease in violent crime. If demand
is inelastic increasing the price results in an increase in
expenditure, hence an increase in violent crime.[13]
A further point worth mentioning is the relation between the cost of
drugs and the value of leisure. Most forms of drug use tend to reduce
productivity in most income earning activities.[14]
Most ways of earning an income tend to reduce the pleasure from
consuming most drugs. Hence there is a tendency for drug use to be a
leisure time activity. To the extent that it is, lowering the price
of drugs increases the value of leisure to drug users and so reduces
their willingness to trade leisure for income. If the user happens to
be a mugger, that means less time spent mugging people.
This effect strengthens the argument in the case where drug demand is
inelastic. If stricter enforcement drives up the price of a drug,
consumers spend more money on the drug, increasing their need for
money and willingness to work, and have less of the drug, decreasing
their enjoyment from leisure time. Both effects result in more
muggings if the user happens to be a mugger. The effect weakens the
argument in the case where drug demand is elastic, since then
increased enforcement reduces the need for money but also the value
of leisure.
What about the effect of efforts to reduce the demand for illegal
drugs, whether by arresting consumers, providing treatment programs,
or legalizing substitutes? A reduction in demand should unambigously
reduce user violence, whether it comes as a side effect of drug use
or as a means of obtaining money to pay for drugs.
Violent crime due to distributors of illegal drugs
might occur through at least three different mechanisms: Violence
associated with attempts to steal and defend valuable assets, such as
cash and drugs, violence associated with dispute resolution, and
violent competition for territory.
The first case is the easiest. Suppose increased enforcement drives
up the cost of drugs to distributors. The price of drugs rises. If
demand for drugs is inelastic, total expenditure on drugs goes up; if
demand is elastic, it goes down. The total value of drugs and cash
held by people in the distribution industry will be roughly
proportional to the total value of drugs being sold. The amount of
violence associated with attempts to seize and protect those drugs
and cash will be an increasing function of their value. So we would
expect violence due to this mechanism to increase with increased
enforcement effort if the demand for drugs is inelastic, and decrease
with increased enforcement effort if the demand for drugs is
The conclusion becomes more complicated if we consider alternative
forms of prohibition effort. Suppose, for example, that almost all of
the effort is devoted to preventing the import of illegal drugs; once
the drugs are inside the country, domestic dealers are free to do as
they like with only minimal risk of arrest. Since there is little
risk, there is little reason to devote effort to concealing
activities from the police or mimimizing the amount of evidence lying
around. But the relatively open nature of the illegal activity should
make it easier for other criminals to observe it and attempt to
profit by hijacking drugs and cash.
Now imagine that law enforcement switches its effort from import to
distribution, while keeping the overall effect, as measured by the
street price of drugs, unchanged. Drug dealers become more careful,
drug hijacking is reduced, associated violence falls.
Finally, imagine that law enforcement itself goes into the hijacking
business–as, via civil forfeiture, it has done on a large scale
in the U.S. The incentive to take precautions becames even higher for
the drug distributors, and the amount of hijacking and violence (not
counting violence by or against law enforcement agents)
There is one more factor that remains to be
For private protection of property as for public protection, the
preferred outcome is not conflict but deterrence. If I can persuade
all potential hijackers that if they try to steal from me they will
die, nobody will try to steal from me and nobody will be killed. In a
well functioning private system, as in a well functioning public
system, people are protected mostly by the threat of violence rather
than by actual violence.
How well such a system works depends to a considerable extent on the
stability of the industry; the longer my firm is in business, the
more opportunities it has to create commitment strategies and build a
reputation. Hence to the extent that enforcement strategies
successfully target and destroy well established criminal firms,
increasing the instability of the industry, they are likely to shift
private protection from threat to violence, increasing the total
amount of violent crime.
So far I have been considering violence associated with attempts to
seize and protect property unprotected by the law. What about
violence associated with ordinary business disputes–the sort of
disputes that, in other industries, end up being settled by courts or
private arbitration?
Here again, we would expect (as Jeffrey Miron has suggested) that law
enforcement efforts that reduce the stability of the industry and
increase the information costs of its members in dealing with each
other would tend to increase violence. We would also expect violence
to increase with the amount at stake in such disputes.
One determinant ought to be the total value of drugs being sold,
since at least some disputes will be associated with such
transactions; to that extent the conclusion will be the same as in
the previous case. A second determinant might well be the total
profit of the industry,[16]
since profits are what are at stake in some contract disputes, such
as disagreements over market sharing agreements, or mergers, or the
Enforcement effort aimed at the import of drugs should raise the
input cost of the industry, hence unambiguously reduce profits.
Enforcement effort aimed at preventing small scale production, on the
other hand, and especially production by consumers for their own
may well result in increasing the demand for the services provided by
the drug distribution industry, and thus increasing profits.
Enforcement efforts directed against the distribution industry itself
have somewhat more ambiguous results. To the extent that they simply
raise costs, they can be expected to reduce profits.
Suppose, however, that enforcement has a much larger effect on new
entrants to the industry, who have not yet built up the necessary
network of trust and expertise and the necessary portfolio of corrupt
police officers and judges, than on existing firms. In that case it
might increase profits, just as a tax on new construction of housing
might increase the revenue of apartment owners by more than it
increased their costs. If so, it might also increase the amount at
stake in contract disputes and the associated violence. On the other
hand, since such enforcement would tend to reduce industry turnover,
it might also reduce violence for reasons discussed earlier.
Third and last, consider the possibility that, for some illegal
drugs, the usual industry structure consists of local distribution
monopolies, and that the violence associated with distribution is a
form of rent seeking as firms compete for territory–turf wars.
In that scenario, anything that decreases industry profits ought to
decrease the stakes in such conflicts and so decrease the amount of
violence. Hence we would again expect to see increased effort against
imports associated with reduced violence and increased effort against
home production associated with increased violence. [Add
formal mathematical treatment of equilibrium here, a la monopolistic
competition with violent conflict included?]
What about increased enforcement effort against the distribution
network? Here again, the conclusion is ambiguous. On the one hand,
such effort should make distribution less profitable, reducing
violence. On the other hand, the violence is a conflict over monopoly
profit, and the degree of monopoly may well depend, among other
things, on the level of enforcement. One major source of economies of
scale in the industry of distributing illegal drugs may be corruption–and
owning your own police chief or judge is more valuable the more
energetic the enforcement that he protects you
[More analysis needed here?]
What about the effect on violence by distributors of policies that
reduce the demand for illegal drugs? Here again, the effect appears
to be unambiguous. Reductions in demand reduce revenue and reduce
profit, hence should reduce violence via any of the mechanisms I have
Violence may be due to drug consumers, it may be
due to drug distributors fighting among themselves or with other
criminals. It may also be due to conflicts between drug distributors
and law enforcement.[19]
The most obvious determinant of the amount of such violence is the
amount of law enforcement directed against drugs within the U.S. This
should include both efforts against the distribution network and
efforts against small scale and home production, since either can
lead to violent conflict.
In addition, one would expect that the willingness of drug
distributors to employ violence against law enforcement would depend
on the amount at stake and so increase with both total revenue and
profit. Similarly, to the extent that law enforcement efforts are
aimed at seizing property, either for civil forfeiture or private
theft, one would expect such efforts to increase with the value of
the property available to be seized. So policies that raise the cost
of bringing drugs into the country ought to increase such violence if
demand is inelastic, decrease it if demand is elastic.
Here again, one might expect well established firms to successfully
protect themselves, either by bribing law enforcement or by
developing networks of trust. If so, enforcement efforts that
destabilized the industry could be expected to increase the level of
As in the previous cases, efforts that reduce demand for illegal
drugs ought to reduce both revenue and profit, hence reduce violence.
The one exception is demand reduction via law enforcement efforts
targeted at users. Such efforts might result in violent conflict
between law enforcement agents and suspects.
My purpose in this essay has been to try to sketch
out the possible mechanisms relating illegal drugs to violent crime,
and how various enforcement strategies might effect each. The
clearest result is that policies which reduce the demand for illegal
drugs can usually be expected to reduce the violence associated with
the sale and use of such drugs.
Policies that increase total revenues or total profits can generally
be expected to increase violence, policies that decrease them to
decrease it. Policies that decrease the stability of the illegal
distribution industry are likely to increase violence. Generally
speaking, increased enforcement of prohibitions on import can be
expected to decrease profits; increased enforcement of prohibitions
on home production can be expected to increase it.
Two more general points are worth making. The first is that, if one
regards reductions in drug use as desirable,[20]
the associated violence is not entirely a bad thing. Muchof it is
among people involved in the illegal distribution of drugs. The
resulting risk is a cost for that industry, and so raises the price
and decreases the consumption of drugs. That effect must be balanced
against the risk that violence creates for bystanders and the costs
of violence committed against outsiders.
The final point is to observe that my discussion has been aimed
almost entirely at the effect of marginal changes in the enforcement
of drug prohibition. If we consider instead the effect of shifting
from prohibition to legalization, the results are much more
straightforward. With one exception, legalization eliminates all of
the sources of violence I have been discussing.
That exception is violence by drug users as a side effect of drug
use. Legalization can be expected to increase drug use, hence it
could well increase such violence.
While it could increase it, it could also decrease it–for two
reasons. The first, as noted earlier, is that different drugs are
substitutes for each other. Legalization would improve both
information and availability, making it easier for users to select
drugs with fewer undesirable side effects–including the side
effect of causing violent behavior. The second reason is that, in an
illegal market, quality is likely to be more variable than on a legal
market, making severe unanticipated effects, including violent
effects, more likely.
[Should I add formal models of both the competitive and the
monopolistic competitive industry models to this, perhaps as an
Nils Christie, "Conflicts as Property," British Journal of
Criminology 17(1)
The very beginning of the graph is probably unreliable, since in the
first few years only a fraction of the states were providing data.
Alcohol prohibition begain in ... and ended in ... .
Jeffrey A. Miron, "Violence and the U.S. Prohibitions of Drugs and
Alcohol,'' American Law and Economics Review, 1, Fall 1999,
Both of Miron's papers are available from his home page at: . "Violence, Guns, and Drugs: A
Cross-Country Analysis,'' the unpublished piece, measures drug
enforcement by drug seizures. It finds a strong relation between
enforcement and murder rates, but the relation is mostly driven by a
single case–Columbia, which has a murder rate of ..., ... times
higher than the U.S. Since Columbia is a major producer of illegal
drugs, the high seizure rate cannot be taken as a good measure of
enforcement effort; there are, after all, a lot more illegal drugs
there to seize than almost anywhere else.
But see Jeffrey A. Miron, "´Do Prohibitions Raise Prices:
Evidence from the Market for Cocaine," (unpublished, on his web page)
for some evidence to the contrary.
Of course, the number of users might increase, but given the
non-pecuniary costs of drug use it is hard to see how they could
increase rapidly enough with a fall in price to keep the demand
elastic at low prices. For some evidence on this point, it would be
interesting to investigate the fraction of people in places where
marijuana is legal who smoke it–or usage rates for various
drugs that were legal early in this century. Is there data?
This fits the description in The Cocaine Kids, ....
The economics of such a situation are similar to those of the
competition of nations for territory and the associated tax base
described in David Friedman, "An Economic Theory of the Size and
Shape of Nations," JPE ... . In that paper, however, my concern was
with the equilibrium outcome, not the costs of getting and
maintaining it.
Presumably, precautions would take forms such as drinking at home
when it was more fun to drink at a bar, or locking up a gun and
giving someone else the key before drinking, or merely exercising
self control while drunk, at some costs in enjoyment. While none of
these precautions has a cost paid in money, each of them is,
considered as a cost, equivalent to some amount of money.
This issue is discussed at some length in David Friedman, Law's
Order, Chapter 7, pp. 74-83.
Presumably, prohibition makes sense only when you want to impose a
cost higher than any tax you can collect; putting the argument
differently, a tax so high that nobody pays it and all alcohol is
smuggled is equivalent to prohibition.
Note that the demand for violence by people who are violent because
of drinking cannot be less elastic than their demand for alcohol,
because of the argument we have just sketched. But the total demand
for violence can be if most of it comes from other people who are
harder to deter.
This argument requires, of course, that there are no legal activities
which provide similar opportunities to accept risk in exchange for
money and provide a more attractive way of earning money than illegal
Grossman, Michael, “The Economics of Substance Use and Abuse:
The Role of Price,” April 2000 provides empirical evidence on
demand elasticity for a variety of addictive drugs. He concludes that
demand elasticity may well be greater than 1, meaning that total
expenditure may fall as price rises. Becker, Gary S., Michael
Grossman and Kevin Murphy, “An Empirical Analysis of Cigarette
Addiction,” American Economic Review, 84 (no. 3): 396-418,
June 1994 find a long run price elasticity for cigarettes above
Drug use by musicians may be an exception.
This is a point raised by Jeffrey Miron in a closely related
In equilibrium in a perfectly competitive industry, economic profit
is zero. The profits I am considering here need not be economic
profit in that sense. They include returns to sunk costs in human and
organizational capital (strictly speaking, quasirents), monopoly
profits, returns to specialized human abilities in scarce supply, and
the like.
The obvious case is marijuana growing.
The Last Testament of Lucky Luicano claims to be based on
first hand information from one of the leading criminal entrepreneurs
of the prohibition period. While there seems to be no way of
confirming the author's claim, I suspect it is true on internal
evidence–the picture presented of the illegal market appears
economically plausible. One interesting feature of the account is
that criminal firms which were otherwise independent appear to have
pooled assets for the purpose of purchasing the services of corrupt
judges and law enforcement agents, suggesting that that was a,
perhaps the, major source of economies of scale in that industry.
Are there any sources for data on this? For 1995, 131 law enforcement
agents were killed in the line of duty (stat abstract). Figures go
back to 1980; there is no clear pattern, although the 1980 figure is
I should perhaps add that I do not regard reductions in drug use as
inherently desirable. Following out the usual assumptions of
economics, I assume that drug users, like other people, are rational,
and so tend, on the whole, to make the decisions that best serve
their interest. Hence their decision to use drugs is evidence that
doing so, on net, benefits them. That implies that it is more
generally desirable, except to the extent that it imposes costs on
others. Since most such costs at present are the result not of drug
use but of drug prohibition, I see no reason to regard reductions in
drug use as an unambguously desirable outcome.
I realize, however, that many people have rather different views on
the subject, and have attempted to provide information relevant to
their views as well as to mine.
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