Possible Paper Topics

Ideally, a paper for this course should explore both legal and technological issues associated with some relevant question. The following are intended as possible examples; feel free to invent one of your own.

Is ITAR Constitutional? Bernstein et. al. Is it enforceable?


Clipper 1, 2, 3?: Is there a constitutional (and politically and technologically viable) way of controlling encryption?


Hard Disks, Encryption, and the Fifth Amendment--can you refuse to give the police your password?


Protecting Intellectual Property on the Net: Is the Solution Law or Technology?


Viruses: The facts and their legal implications.


Computer Crime in the Twenty-first Century: What it will be


The Legal System in a World of Strong Privacy


Can Hubert Humphrey police the Internet?


Does Cyberspace Need Its Own Laws?


Norms of the Net: How are They Enforced, Do They Work?


Shareware: An Experiment in Unprotected Intellectual Property


Cyberpunk: Does SF Get the Legal Issues Right? (True Names, Snowcrash, Trouble and Her Friends, ...)


Privacy and Computer Crime in a World of Many Nations


The Church of Scientology vs anon.penet.fi


Can pornography and gambling be regulated on the Internet: Legal and technical issues.


Obscenity and Harassment: Can Private Solutions Work?


Online Defamation


Who Has Jurisdiction in Cyberspace?

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