
Murri is a condiment that plays a role in period Islamic cooking similar to the role of soy sauce in modern Chinese and Japanese cooking. It is made by an elaborate process that takes several months, used, usually in small quantities, in  many different dishes. There is a period recipe for "Byzantine Murri," a substitute for real murri that can be made in a few hours—and a period warning against using it. Despite the warning, that is what Elizabeth and I have always used in period recipes that call for murri.

I recently discovered that a lady in another kingdom (THL Adrianna Stothard, mka T.J. Vestal) had been experimenting with making the real thing from period recipes. So far as I know, she is the second person in recent centuries to have done so, the first being Charles Perry, translator of several period Arabic cookbooks and one of my main sources of information on the subject. She sent me an article to web. Also two jars, one of the Iraqi version of murri, one of the Maghrebi version, currently sitting in my refrigerator while we decide which period recipes to try them in.

And as soon as my fig trees finish leafing out ...  .

Here is the article.