A while back, someone pointed me at a non-libertarian
faq put up a few years ago by someone I have a high
opinion of. I responded to it by email. It occurred to me that
the arguments might be of interest to others, hence this page. I
have added a few links, and a little additional material in {}.
[My first email]
For my response to your market failure arguments, see
the attached chapter
from the third edition of my Machinery of Freedom. If
you want to read the rest of the book I'll be happy to email you
a copy. It includes a positive
of rights that you might find of interest.
You write:
“As far as I know there is no loophole-free way to protect a community against externalities besides government and things that are functionally identical to it.”
Unfortunately, the statement is still true if you drop the last ten words.
For my (old) response to the argument on proprietary communities
as governments, see:
Reading your summary of arguments against regulation, I didn't
see (perhaps I missed it--it's a long document) any reference to
the capture theory of regulation.
"the last [the U.S.] has a mostly private
health system"
I believe that, pre-Obama, about half of all expenditure on
health in the U.S. was by governments. That's in addition to
extensive regulation. It's true that the U.S. system is
expensive compared to others. It isn't true that it is mostly
private. And I don't think there is evidence that it on net does
a worse job than others. I discussed the most quoted claim along
those lines in some detail in an old blog post.
Some other points:
“This treats the world as a series
of producer-consumer dyads instead of as a system in which every
transaction affects everyone else.”
I don’t know how much attention you have
paid to price theory. In a simplified model (no externalities,
public good problems, etc.) you really can treat the world that
way, because the net marginal effect of my transaction with you
on third parties is zero. Most of the libertarians you are
likely to encounter online are not trained in economics and
couldn’t adequately explain the argument, but their view is
closer to correct than the view held by almost everyone who is
neither a libertarian nor an economist, according to which the
benefits and costs of ordinary market transactions go mainly to
third parties. That’s the view that makes it natural to take it
for granted that schooling should be provided for free because
it makes people more productive or that buying a car made in
America instead of one made in Japan makes Americans better off.
“None of this wealth has trickled down to the poor and none of it ever will, as the past thirty years of economic history have repeatedly and decisively demolished the “trickle-down” concept.”
I am puzzled as to how you could possible know that this is true, given the lack of a parallel universe in which the wealthy were somehow prevented from getting rich and we could observe the effect on the poor.
I believe that, as the term “trickle down” suggests, the theory
and the name were invented by people attributing it to their
opponents. On the other hand, fairly straightforward economic
analysis suggests that increasing the stock of capital will tend
to decrease the marginal productivity of capital and increase
that of labor, hence will tend to raise wages and lower interest
If you work through the mathematics of your declining marginal utility argument for progressive taxation, you will discover that it is only an argument against lump sum taxation. It’s easy enough to write a utility function with declining marginal utility for which the utility of the second half of an income of $100,000 is greater than the utility of the second half of an income of $50,000.
“As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer (see 3.4),”
I can find no 3.4 in the current document (http://slatestarcodex.com/2017/02/22/repost-the-non-libertarian-faq/). And I don’t think there is any evidence that the poor have gotten poorer, only that they have gotten richer more slowly than the rich.
“- but considering that private schools cater towards wealthy students - who usually do better in school - and often have selective admission policies in which they only take students who are already pretty smart - whereas public schools have to take everyone including dumb kids, kids with learning disabilities, and kids from broken families in ghettos - such unadjusted data is meaningless.”
I think you are confusing “private schools” with “prep schools,” which represent a small part of the relevant population. I believe that over the total population of private schools, average per pupil expenditure is substantially lower than public schools, not higher.
"According to estimates, seatbelts save about 11,000 lives a
year in the US."
Are you familiar with Peltzman's classic article on the subject?
Do your estimates assume a fixed rate of accidents and base
their calculation on the effect on deaths per accident? You can
probably see why that's wrong.
{“The Effects of Automobile Safety Regulations”,
JPE 83, 677-725}
You might also be interested in another classic article by
Peltzman, this one in your field, more or less. I even have the
cite for that ready to hand:
S. Peltzman, “An Evaluation of Consumer Protection Legislation: 1962 Drug Amendments.” Journal of Political Economy 81(5), 1049-1091.
If his conclusion, that one piece of legislation cut the rate of
introduction of new medical drugs in half while having no
detectable effect on average quality, is correct, it would take
a lot of positive effects of regulation to balance the effect.
Incidentally, I wrote a fairly detailed response to (an old
version of ) Mike Huben's faq.
[My second email, including comments by the author of the
To begin with, the towns came into existence through a process less likely to produce optimal design than the process by which proprietary communities came into existence--the point of my piece. Insofar as you accept that argument, the size of proprietary communities gives at least a little evidence on the optimal size for such institutions—imperfect because they are not producing all of the same services. That evidence suggests that even most local governments are way above optimal size. Beyond that, I'm under a local government under a county government under a state government under a national government, with size and costs of moving increasing as you go up that hierarchy.How is this different from the situation you're recommending?Actually, I should clarify that first part a little.Let's consider civic governance.
Right now, we have lots of towns, all of which have different laws. People have the right to move between towns whenever they want. Yes, the federal government places many restrictions on what towns can or can't do, but there's still a wide space of possible regulation regimes towns can go with.
I'm an anarchist, so the full change required is substantial. Expanding on that requires a book, not, I think, an email conversation. The second edition can be downloaded for free from my web site, and if you are interested I can send you the third edition (or if you like Kindles, it's available in that form from Amazon).And what kind of legal or cultural changes would be necessary to move from here to the situation you're recommending (other than decreasing the amount of federal law so as to increase the space in which town law can vary)?
You are assuming that there are enough people who share that particular taste to make it worth producing such a product. I'm not sure to what extent producing it is made more difficult by restrictions in the legal system on the ability of a landlord to evict tenants—that would depend on where you were looking.That document was written about four years ago, and some of my views have changed in the interim. I'm not interested in too lengthy a discussion, and my economic knowledge isn't good enough to respond to some of the more technical things you're saying, but just to answer a few of your main points:
I don't disagree with you about the capitalist trucks - I feel like 1.2 makes almost the same point, and I discuss this further in this blog post - http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/06/07/archipelago-and-atomic-communitarianism/ . But a few caveats.
First, this works exactly once, while housing is first being built. That is, if I want to avoid having something bad within a one mile radius, there is no way this is going to be do-able in New York City, which already exists, is already inhabited, and is already divided into tiny mostly-single-building fiefdoms.
Second, even though this should happen in real life it almost never does. I have looked high and low for apartment buildings that promise draconian noise restrictions - let alone ones that promise draconian noise restrictions plus have a third-party certification that they comply - and they just don't exist. That is the absolute simplest test case of this kind of thing.
Yes. As I tried to make clear in the chapter I sent you, I agree that market failure problems mean that a pure market system does a suboptimal job of dealing with some problems. The point of that chapter is that having a government tends to make the problem worse, not better, since the conditions that lead to market failure are a special case in the private market, the norm in the political market. I'm not a utopian. In Machinery I describe situations in which my ideal institutions (a competitive market for law and rights enforcement) could produce unlibertarian law.I would argue that even gated communities don't really meet this standard - the active ingredient there seems to be filtering out the usually-more-rowdy poor people, through high land prices. Why aren't there "gated communities" for poor people, where the houses may not be the nicest, but the poor people pay a (small) premium to live somewhere where they know more rules will be enforced and they're not going to have to hang out with drug dealers and grafitti-sprayers all the time? If the answer is "poor people can't pay enough money to support voluntary fiefdom rule enforcement", then this is a big problem with using voluntary fiefdom rule enforcement to maintain quality of life.
Third, the difficulty of implementing this solution scales more than linearly with size. Gated communities of a few hundred homes are pretty easy to fiefdomify. If air pollution is a function of number of factories in a fifty-mile radius, you're going to need individual capitalists to have fifty mile urban fiefdoms, which is stretching credulity.
It's a whole lot more conducive to producing optimality by market mechanisms than by political mechanisms, where your opportunity for choice is much less. And I think you are underestimating the range of alternatives available to most people, not in the context of a week but of years. Populations do shift.Fourth, in practice a lot of house-getting is based on "somewhere cheap enough I can afford, close to the one good job I can get, which is up for sale in the two weeks I have between jobs which is the longest period I can afford not to be working". This isn't really conducive to intentional communities.
That depends on how bad you think things would be absent that constraint.Compare also to the claim "All US states have pretty good governance, because it is easy to migrate to a state with better governance." I'm not very sure what's wrong with this argument (possibly transaction costs?) but something certainly is.
If you have never studied economics you might find it worth doing. You are already spending at least forty-eight hours a day studying things, judged by output measures, so why not take it up to fifty? I can recommend a book.I'm unclear what you mean to do by talking about how "in a simplified model (no externalities, public good problems, etc.) you really can treat the world that way". I agree that the only problem with that model is externalities, public goods, etc, which is why I'm focusing on them.
I don't know at what time you think "trickle-down economics" started, or even what you think it is. I believe the term was invented about eighty years ago by people on the left and attributed to people on the right.I'm sure you're aware that the share of income/wealth held by the bottom 90% is declining precipitiously compared to that held by the top 10%, especially in comparison to past eras. By my understanding this trend accelerated around the time trickle-down economics started.
I assume the positive hypothesis is that rising incomes for high income people result in higher incomes for other people. You can't reject that by observing that incomes became more unequal. The question is whether incomes in lower parts of the distribution would have been higher or lower if something had prevented the rise in incomes at the higher part, which you have no evidence on.I understand that correlation is not necessarily causation, but you have to admit that as far as empirical results go it's hard to imagine ones that would have supported the "trickle-down doesn't work" hypothesis more conclusively.
My point wasn't about outcomes but about input. I believe your asserted fact, that private schools spend more per pupil than public, is the opposite of the truth. I don't know what the data are on outcomes. As it happens, I'm critical of the whole conventional model of K-12 schooling, for reasons I've discussed on my blog and elsewhere, which is part of why our children were unschooled, first in a small and very unconventional private school and then at home.Regarding public vs. private schools, see http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/15/education/15report.html?_r=0 . I have yet to hear of any study that finds private schools to do significantly better once student characteristics are adjusted out.
Peltzman analyzed data. His conclusion, for a particular set of mandatory safety requirements, was that they increased the accident rate by about as much as they decreased the deaths per accident, leaving the total death rate about the same.Regarding seatbelts and Peltzman effect, I find Levitt's arguments convincing. See http://freakonomics.com/2006/12/09/the-difference-between-theoretically-possible-and-important/