Analytic Methods for Lawyers
Spring 2009
The purpose of the course is to provide students some
familiarity with a range of analytic methods that they are likely to
encounter in practice. Topics covered include decision analysis, game
theory, contract theory, accounting, finance, economics, and
statistics. The textbook is Analytical
Methods for Lawyers by Jackson et. al. There are no
pre-requisites. This is the second time I am teaching the course. There
will be a midterm and a final.
Powerpoints: Decision
Theory Game Theory Contracts (first week) (second week) Accounting More Accounting Review Class Finance Economics Law and Economics Statistics More Statistics Review
and Recordings
from class
This year's Midterm,
with answers.
Lecture notes from the first time I taught the course. Word HTML
An old Midterm with answers.
An old Final Word HTML
Powerpoints from 2008: 1/15
1/17 1/22-24 1/29-31 2/5-7 2/12 2/14 2/26-3/11 3/13-3/20 3/25-3/27
4/1-4/3 4/8 4/15 4/17
My Office: Bergin 204
My Office Hours: T/Th 3:00-3:45 and by arrangement.
Also, email, anytime.
2008 final,
with answers.
Some extra problems for students
studying for the final.
March 31: Students who want more
information on economic analysis of
law than is found in the text and the powerpoint slides may want to
look at the web page
for my law and econ class, which includes links to recordings of
classes, power points, and the like, or look at a webbed
version of my Law's Order.
[The second link is to the version that consists of page images with
links to additional material]