©David D. Friedman 1986, 1990
Introduction Section I ECONOMICS FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Chapter What is Economics? How Economists Think. Section II PRICE=VALUE=COST: COMPETITIVE
EQUILIBRIUM IN A SIMPLE ECONOMY Chapter The Consumer: Choice and
Indifference Curves The Consumer: Marginal Value,
Marginal Utility, and Consumer Surplus Production Simple Trade Markets&endash;Putting it All
Together The Big Picture Section III COMPLICATIONS, OR ONWARD TO
REALITY Chapter The Firm Small-Numbers Problems: Monopoly
and All That Hard Problems: Game Theory,
Strategic Behavior, and Oligopoly Time... ...and Chance The Distribution of Income and
the Factors of Production Section IV JUDGING OUTCOMES Chapter Economic Efficiency What is Efficient? Market Interference Market Failures Section V APPLICATIONS &endash;
CONVENTIONAL AND UN Chapter The Political Marketplace The Economics of Law and Law
Breaking The Economics of Love and
Marriage Section VI WHY YOU SHOULD BUY THIS BOOK Chapter Final Words Chapter The Economics of
Heating Inflation and
The book is available, in a version slightly
edited from this one, on Amazon.com as both a paperback and
a kindle, as is a later book Hidden Order: The Economics
Everyday Life, which offers a similar approach to
explaining economics
in a shorter form, aimed at the intelligent layman rather
than at
students taking intermediate micro. The latter book should
also be available as an audiobook
read by me by about February 1,
2020, from Audible.